226 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games
Overall Stats
Ranking Score 1442
H Rating 53%
Win Ratio 51.0% (632/1240 games)
Players Played 1421
Players Eliminated 606
Average game size 2.1
Last Game Played 26th Apr 2024 19:16
Game Win Ratios
2 Player Games 51.6% (611/1184 games)
3 Player Games 42.1% (8/19 games)
4 Player Games 100.0% (1/1 games)
5 Player Games 50.0% (6/12 games)
6 Player Games 12.5% (1/8 games)
7 Player Games 14.3% (1/7 games)
8 Player Games 42.9% (3/7 games)
9 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
10 Player Games 100.0% (1/1 games)
Board Name Ranking Score Points H Rating Played Won Win Ratio Last Played
Africa 981 1 0 0.0% 2022-08-24 12:26
Capital Crusade 1163 53% 963 510 53.0% 2024-04-12 17:14
Castles 1079 100% 1 1 100.0% 2022-09-01 17:32
Civil War 979 1 0 0.0% 2022-09-05 09:32
Colossal Crusade 1001 40% 5 2 40.0% 2023-01-31 15:11
Frontierland Shootin' Arcade 1042 100% 1 1 100.0% 2022-08-31 10:08
LoTR Middle Earth 987 1 0 0.0% 2022-10-10 17:57
Manifest Destiny 991 33% 3 1 33.3% 2023-03-29 13:47
North America 1008 33% 3 1 33.3% 2023-06-15 18:54
Pirates of the Caribbean 984 1 0 0.0% 2022-09-03 16:53
Risk of Thrones 1576 76% 34 13 38.2% 2023-09-06 21:21
VIKINGR 1008 50% 2 1 50.0% 2023-01-24 22:42
WarGear Warfare 1226 47% 224 102 45.5% 2024-04-26 19:16